Fuel Model: Y
RAWS: 353038
Fire Weather Zones: ORZ617
Historic Data Years: 2006-2023
Description: The North Umpqua FDRA is transitional, located between and sharing similarities with, the other UPF FDRAs. Vegetation is similar to Cottage Grove, but experiences warmer, drier weather conditions compared to Crest or Cottage Grove FDRAs. Slope class and fire history are similar to the South Umpqua FDRA. Median elevation is similar to both the Cottage Grove and South Umpqua. Toketee is the only RAWS for this FDRA.
SFDI: Jolly, W. Matt; Freeborn, Patrick H.; Page, Wesley G.; Butler, Bret W. 2019.
Severe Fire Danger Index: A forecastable metric to inform firefighter and community wildfire risk management. Fire. 2: 47.
PV: Experimental replacement for the NFDRS 1978 Oregon and Washington Precaution Value, testing fire season 2022.